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Building and construction
Well-functioning housing and construction markets support growth in productivity and employment, and affect macroeconomic stability, health, security, and social cohesion.
Government has a significant programme of work to support the building and construction sector to lift performance.
All building work in New Zealand must meet certain requirements to achieve safe, healthy, durable homes and buildings. These requirements support our goal to grow New Zealand for all.
Since the first Canterbury earthquakes in 2010, we have investigated the impact and developed resources and guidance to help with the rebuild.
Following the 2023 North Island severe weather events MBIE commissioned a review of how the rapid building assessment system worked during the response to assess how well it functioned and identify any areas for improvement.
From time to time we seek public comment on a specific issue relating to the building industry through a formal consultation process.
- Work with engineered stone and materials containing crystalline silica
- Making it easier to build granny flats (2024)
- Building Code fire safety review discussion document
- Review of the building consent system (snapshot)
- Proposed amendments to the BuiltReady Scheme Rules public consultation
- Building consent system review: Options paper summary of submissions
- Improving efficiency in the inspection process: Discussion document
- Consultation document: Insulation requirements in housing and other buildings
We want New Zealand to have safe, healthy, durable homes and buildings. This page provides information about our investigations and reviews for safer buildings.
New pool safety legislation came into effect on 1 January 2017.
We need to lift skills and productivity to ensure the long-term growth of the building and construction sector.
The regulation of people in building trades and professions aims to ensure the people responsible for work done are competent and accountable.
The purpose of the Building System Insights Programme (BSIP) is to conduct strategic research and evaluation, which provides sector intelligence and insights, to inform the implementation and effective delivery of the Building System Regulatory Strategy.
- Building and Construction Sector Trends Reporting Package
- Building for the Future Indicators Explorer
- Construction Workforce Projections
- COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on building system actors
- Evaluation of the Building Consent System
- Monitoring the efficiency of building consent processes for new Kāinga Ora public housing
- National Construction Pipeline Report
- Progress towards identifying potential earthquake-prone buildings
- State of the Building and Construction Sector
- Trends in the importation of building and construction products
- Building Consent System Performance Monitoring - Quarterly update
- Digital Compliance for Low-Risk Plumbing and Drainlaying Work Pilot - Evaluation Findings
About the earthquake-prone building system review